Toţi copiii au dreptul la educaţie! (Francis Bacon)
- Sesizare fapte violenţă
- Statistici BAC/EN
- Informaţii interes public
- Strategie anticorupţie
- Protectia datelor
- Admitere liceu
- Bacalaureat
- Declaraţii avere/interese
- Consiliul de administraţie
- Documente
- Activităţi extraşcolare
- Arhiva documente
- Site prof. matematică
- Site prof. fizică
Fii la curent!
Abonare mail: ştiri, noutăţi...
Our project is closely related to our students daily lives riding in our lives to teach the importance of savings; humans and other living things are indispensable items, use (electricity, water, time, money) with the aim to arouse the request to tread carefully in consumption.
  Proiectul este strâns legat de viaţa şi activităţile elevilor noştri, care au nevoie
să înveţe importanţa economiilor.
Oamenii şi alte lucruri vii sunt elemente indispensabile, iar utilizarea raţională a resurselor
(electricitate, apă, timp, bani) este foarte importantă pentru viitorul planetei.
Our project will start with our promotions in September and end with our show in May.
- Contact will be created for facebook and whatsapp. In September, the teachers will have a theme with each other to prepare and plan for the different tasks to be carried out.
- The project brochures will be prepared and presented on the school's board.
- Teachers will make a presentation of themselves, their students and their schools.
Then they will introduce the city / town / village and its territories.
(Creating video presentations, padlets, photos, etc.)
The event will be published in twinspace by the founding teachers.
- Poster and logo contests. June 6-31 celebration of World Saving Day.
- Activities related to the importance of world peace. "" Peace at home, peace in the world "
- Recycling.
- Celebration of the New Year
- Celebration of Energy Saving Week (08 January 2018).
Students will make model, picture, poem, slogan, short film and story writing activities on savings (electricity, water, time, money) with the support of their parents. to do. Competitions appropriate for the events to be held will be arranged. Seminar arrangement will be provided with the support of various institutions and organizations - Celebration of the World Forest Week.
- Sapling planting.
- Celebration of World Water Day (22 March 2018).
- Global warming.
- Environmental problems...
- Project exhibition.
An exhibition consisting of model, painting, poem, slogan posters, story and poem writing activities will be organized during the year. - Creating a world political map from the activities of the project participants.
- Celebration of World Environment Day
- Finalizing the project.
- Creating an e-book from the project participants' project activities.
All participants will complete the missing and project exits will be created.
  Students will be enriched by their imagination.
Effective and quality time passing of students and parents will be realized.
Sharing together, helping, developing small muscles, increasing self-esteem, increasing physical development,
appreciation of the work they do, happiness will be positive effects on the students of the project.
  Students will exchange information about their countries through various activities.
Students and teachers will discover different cultures, tastes and ways of other regions.
Communication skills will improve.
  Students and teachers will gain different opinions and will make new friends.
The exhibition will be held. The ebook will be created.
  Project activities can work using
Fatih project tablets and interactive boards. The presentations they prepared will be presented
on the interactive boards of the Fatih project and they will be uploaded to the Eba File.
  So they will reach different masses.
Coordonatori proiect - Mitrescu Elena, Bumbăcea Cristina
Project videos...
- Save the Planet
- World Saving Day
- The Man
- Peace - symbols
- Green Zone
- Saving money
- Traditions
- Calendar
- Water Day
- Common work - Students 'relevance' about peace
- Common Poem of Project
- The world MAP with Quiver
- Making the symbol of peace with the conversion materials - REALIZATION